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  2. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs in Iran
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  3. The status of hepatitis C virus infection among people who inject drugs in the Middle East and North Africa
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  4. Sequence analysis of hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein 3‑4A serine protease and prediction of conserved B and T cell epitopes
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  5. Schnelltestdiagnostik sexuell übertragbarer Infektionen
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  6. Prevalence of HIV and HCV among injecting drug users in three selected WHO-EMRO countries: a meta-analysis
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  7. Recurrence of hepatitis C virus after treatment with pegylated interferon and direct acting antivirals in Punjab Pakistan
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  8. Assessing the Diagnostic Accuracy of SD BIOLINE for Detection of Hepatitis C Virus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
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