1. Serum iodine concentration in pregnant women and its association with urinary iodine concentration and thyroid function
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  2. High prevalence of TPO-Abs and subclinical hypothyroidism in iodine-sufficient pregnant women in Northern Algeria
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  3. Iodine Status in Pregnant Women Having Urinary Fluoride in Contaminated Areas: A Case Study of Phayao Province
    Rattawan Somporn et al, 2023, Journal of Environmental and Public Health CrossRef
  4. Thyroid function tests in euthyroid pregnant and non-pregnant women
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  5. Trimester-specific reference intervals for thyroid function parameters in pregnant Caucasian women using Roche platforms: a prospective study
    R. M. Dorizzi et al, 2023, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation CrossRef