1. Fall 21: Zweifach geblutetes Hirnstammkavernom im anterolateralen Pons, Resektion über retrosigmoidalen Zugang
    Thomas Kretschmer et al, 2017, Zerebrale Aneurysmen und Gefäßmalformationen CrossRef
  2. Synopsis of Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Cerebral Cavernous Malformations: Consensus Recommendations Based on Systematic Literature Review by the Angioma Alliance Scientific Advisory Board Clinical Experts Panel
    Amy Akers et al, 2017, Neurosurgery CrossRef
  3. Cerebral Cavernous Malformations, Developmental Venous Anomaly, and Its Coexistence: A Review
    Pretty Sara Idiculla et al, 2020, European Neurology CrossRef
  4. Cavernomes du système nerveux central
    S. Guey, 2024, EMC - Neurologie CrossRef
  5. Pediatric Cerebral Cavernous Malformations
    Michael Paddock et al, 2021, Pediatric Neurology CrossRef
  6. Case series of giant Cavernomas: Clinical presentation and management recommendations
    Christian J. Sandoval Ramírez et al, 2022, Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery CrossRef
  7. Comprehensive Review of Cranial Cavernous Malformations: Results of a Single-center Study of 31 Cases
    Buruç Erkan et al, 2024, Bakirkoy Tip Dergisi / Medical Journal of Bakirkoy CrossRef