1. Autologous Blood Patch for Persistent Ascites Leak from Non-Closing Paracentesis Tracts
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  2. Persistent air leak treated by autologous blood patch pleurodesis: the role of CT-guided small-bore chest tube insertion
    Ariel L. Botwin et al, 2019, Clinical Imaging CrossRef
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  4. The Triple Triumph - The Effectiveness of Blood Patch, Ambulatory Pneumothorax Device and Talc Slurry Pleurodesis in Managing Complex Pneumothorax with Persistent Air Leak in a Patient with Systemic Sclerosis – Interstitial Lung Disease (SSc-ILD)
    Mas Fazlin Mohamad Jailaini et al, 2022, SSRN Journal CrossRef
  5. Role of autologous blood patch pleurodesis for management of prolonged pulmonary air leak: A systematic review
    Berun A. Abdalla et al, 2024 CrossRef