1. Development of a 3D-Printed Drug-Eluting Stent for Treating Obstructive Salivary Gland Disease
    Tae Ho Kim et al, 2019, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering CrossRef
  2. Audit of minimally-invasive surgery for submandibular sialolithiasis
    A.M. Holden et al, 2019, British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery CrossRef
  3. Microbiomic association between the saliva and salivary stone in patients with sialolithiasis
    Jiwon Park et al, 2024, Scientific Reports CrossRef
  4. Sialoliths in Ipsilateral Bartholin`s and Wharton`s Duct: The First Clinical and Ultrasound Report
    Dmytro Nikulin et al, 2020, Journal of Diagnostics and Treatment of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology CrossRef