1. Educational pathways in Paediatric Virology: Pros and cons
    Ioannis Mammas et al, 2019, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine CrossRef
  2. Paediatric Virology and innovation in medical education: An interview with Dr Ioannis N. Mammas, Consultant Paediatrician on the island of Euboea (Greece) and Coordinator of the Paediatric Virology Study Group
    Demetrios Spandidos, 2019, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine CrossRef
  3. HPV-Related Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis in Childhood
    Hakan Çelikhisar et al, 2022, Pediatric ENT Infections CrossRef
  4. Paediatric virology and human papillomaviruses: An update
    Ioannis Mammas et al, 2019, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine CrossRef