1. Wenshen Shengjing Decoction Improves Early Embryo Development by Maintaining Low H3K27me3 Levels in Sperm and Pronuclear Embryos of Spermatogenesis Impaired Mice
    Yanmei Sun et al, 2021, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef
  2. New Wenshen Shengjing Decoction Improves Early Embryonic Development by Maintaining Low Levels of H3K4me3 in Sperm
    Wansheng Zhang et al, 2022, BioMed Research International CrossRef
  3. Therapeutic Effects of Xianlu Oral Solution on Rats with Oligoasthenozoospermia through Alleviating Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress
    Zi-Run Jin et al, 2022, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef
  4. Reviving Fertility: Phytochemicals as Natural Allies in the Fight against Non-Genetic Male Infertility
    Vivek P. Chavda et al, 2024, Clinical Complementary Medicine and Pharmacology CrossRef