1. Quality Verification with a Cluster−Controlled Manufacturing System to Generate Monocyte−Derived Dendritic Cells
    Haruhiko Kawaguchi et al, 2021, Vaccines CrossRef
  2. Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells Reduce Cardiac Inflammation and Fibrosis in Chronic Chagas Disease
    Emanuelle de Souza Santos et al, 2020, Frontiers in Immunology CrossRef
  3. Astaxanthin Protects Dendritic Cells from Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Immune Dysfunction
    Yinyan Yin et al, 2021, Marine Drugs CrossRef
  4. Induction of Immune Tolerance in Islet Transplantation Using Apoptotic Donor Leukocytes
    Naoya Sato et al, 2021, Journal of Clinical Medicine CrossRef
  5. Immunomodulation for the Treatment of Chronic Chagas Disease Cardiomyopathy: A New Approach to an Old Enemy
    Emanuelle de Souza Santos et al, 2021, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology CrossRef