1. A Probabilistic Logic Program that Predicts COVID-19 Infection and the Possibility a Patient to Recover
    Nikos Papatheodorou et al, 2020, 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics CrossRef
  2. High-level strategy for implementing artificial intelligence at the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
    Abdulrahman Housawi et al, 2021, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for Smart Healthcare CrossRef
  3. Deep Learning-based Detection of Greek Locations and Landmarks: A Qualitative Analysis of Weakly Supervised Classification and Supervised Detection
    Eleftherios Trivizakis et al, 2023, 2023 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry (MCSI) CrossRef
  4. Prediction of COVID-19 Infection Based on Symptoms and Social Life Using Machine Learning Techniques
    Stefanos Zervoudakis et al, 2021, Proceedings of the 14th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference CrossRef
  5. Enhancing cancer differentiation with synthetic MRI examinations via generative models: a systematic review
    Avtantil Dimitriadis et al, 2022, Insights into Imaging CrossRef
  6. COVID Pneumonia Severity Detection of Chest CT-Scan Images based on Robust Semantic Segmentation
  7. A comprehensive survey of deep learning research on medical image analysis with focus on transfer learning
    SEMA ATASEVER et al, 2023, Clinical Imaging CrossRef
  8. A combination of DenseNet-264 with alternating decision tree for detecting lung infection
    C. Narmatha, 2023, Soft Computing CrossRef
  9. LoockMe: An Ever Evolving Artificial Intelligence Platform for Location Scouting in Greece
    Eleftherios Trivizakis et al, 2023, Engineering Applications of Neural Networks CrossRef
  10. AI for COVID-19 Detection from Radiographs: Incisive Analysis of State of the Art Techniques, Key Challenges and Future Directions
    R. Karthik et al, 2022, IRBM CrossRef
  11. A mask-guided attention deep learning model for COVID-19 diagnosis based on an integrated CT scan images database
    Maede Maftouni et al, 2023, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering CrossRef