1. Gastric bronchogenic cyst in a young woman
    Feifei Lou et al, 2022, Asian Journal of Surgery CrossRef
  2. Optimal resection of gastric bronchogenic cysts based on anatomical continuity with adherent gastric muscular layer: A case report
    Masayoshi Terayama et al, 2023, World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery CrossRef
  3. Young patient with a giant gastric bronchogenic cyst: A case report and review of literature
    Xu-Ren Lu et al, 2024, World Journal of Clinical Cases CrossRef
  4. Endoscopic resection in the treatment of intramural esophageal bronchogenic cysts: A retrospective analysis of 17 cases
    Jiao Jiao et al, 2022, Digestive and Liver Disease CrossRef
  5. Bronchogenic cyst located between abdominal aorta and the lesser curvature of stomach
    Yu Qi Ma et al, 2024, Asian Journal of Surgery CrossRef
  6. Bronchogenic cysts with infection in the chest wall skin of a 64-year-old asymptomatic patient: A case report
    Ben Ma et al, 2022, World Journal of Clinical Cases CrossRef
  7. Gastric tumor mimicking bronchial tissue associated with a laryngotracheoesophageal cleft: a case report
    Erika Nakatani et al, 2023, Surgical Case Reports CrossRef