1. Deciphering of Adult Glioma Vulnerabilities through Expression Pattern Analysis of GABA, Glutamate and Calcium Neurotransmitter Genes
    Hoang Dong Nguyen et al, 2022, Journal of Personalized Medicine CrossRef
  2. MicroRNA-183/96/182 cluster in immunity and autoimmunity
    Zhuang Wang et al, 2023, Frontiers in Immunology CrossRef
  3. The NR4A2/VGF pathway fuels inflammation-induced neurodegeneration via promoting neuronal glycolysis
    Marcel S. Woo et al, 2024, Journal of Clinical Investigation CrossRef
  4. NR4A2 alleviates cardiomyocyte loss and myocardial injury in rats by transcriptionally suppressing CCR5 and inducing M2 polarization of macrophages
    Huangtai Miao et al, 2022, Microvascular Research CrossRef
  5. Circulating miR-183-5p levels are positively associated with the presence and severity of coronary artery disease
    Dong Lv et al, 2023, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine CrossRef