1. Phosphorylation of RasGRP3 on threonine 133 provides a mechanistic link between PKC and Ras signaling systems in B cells
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  2. CD45-Deficient Mice Accumulate Pro-B Cells Both In Vivo and In Vitro
    Heather E. Fleming et al, 2004, The Journal of Immunology CrossRef
  3. Microarray Analysis of Lyn-Deficient B Cells Reveals Germinal Center-Associated Nuclear Protein and Other Genes Associated with the Lymphoid Germinal Center
    Zeljka Korade Mirnics et al, 2004, The Journal of Immunology CrossRef
  4. Redundancy in B Cell Developmental Pathways: c-Cbl Inactivation Rescues Early B Cell Development through a B Cell Linker Protein-Independent Pathway
    Haifeng Song et al, 2007, The Journal of Immunology CrossRef
  5. Src Homology 2 Domain-Containing Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatases, SHP-1 and SHP-2, Are Required for Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1/CD31-Mediated Inhibitory Signaling
    Tanya L. Henshall et al, 2001, The Journal of Immunology CrossRef