1. Ewing sarcoma
    Alessio GAGLIARDI et al, 2023, Journal of Radiological Review CrossRef
  2. Diagnostic challenges in the gray-zone lesions of fine-needle aspiration cytology
    Shruti Gupta et al, 2021, Cytojournal CrossRef
  3. Laboratory Techniques Used in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Tumors
    Daniela Hoehn et al, 2015, Pediatric Malignancies: Pathology and Imaging CrossRef
  4. Molecular classification of soft tissue sarcomas for adequate diagnosis: A study on the northeast population of Morocco
    Rhizlane El Koubaiti et al, 2022, Heliyon CrossRef
  5. Molecular testing of sarcomas
    Fernanda Amary et al, 2017, Diagnostic Histopathology CrossRef
  6. A Review of the Role of Cytogenetics in the Diagnosis of Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma
    Paula Cortes Barrantes et al, 2019, Seminars in Ophthalmology CrossRef
  7. Diagnostic utility of dual-color EWS break-apart fluorescence in-situ hybridization probe in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pediatric Ewing family of tumors
    Naglaa El-Kinaai et al, 2018, Egyptian Journal of Pathology CrossRef
  8. Genomic-Destabilization-Associated Mutagenesis and Clonal Evolution of Cells with Mutations in Tumor-Suppressor Genes
    Ken-ichi Yoshioka et al, 2019, Cancers CrossRef