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  4. IKK Epsilon Deficiency Attenuates Angiotensin II-Induced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Formation in Mice by Inhibiting Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis
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  5. IKKγ/NEMO Is Required to Confer Antimicrobial Innate Immune Responses in the Yellow Mealworm, Tenebrio Molitor
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  6. I-κB Kinase-ε Deficiency Attenuates the Development of Angiotensin II-Induced Myocardial Hypertrophy in Mice
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  8. The Roles of Adipose Tissue Macrophages in Human Disease
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  9. I-κB kinase-ε deficiency improves doxorubicin-induced dilated cardiomyopathy by inhibiting the NF-κB pathway
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  11. IKKβ regulates antimicrobial innate immune responses in the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor
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  12. IKKε-deficient macrophages impede cardiac repair after myocardial infarction by enhancing the macrophage–myofibroblast transition
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