1. Study on Mechanism of Yiqi Yangyin Jiedu Recipe Inhibiting Triple Negative Breast Cancer Growth: A Network Pharmacology and In Vitro Verification
    Xin Sun et al, 2022, Journal of Oncology CrossRef
  2. Molecular mechanisms of flavonoids and their modulatory effects against breast cancer: A scoping review
    Mary Murithi et al, 2022, F1000Research CrossRef
  3. Oncogenic PIK3CA recruits myeloid‐derived suppressor cells to shape the immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment in luminal breast cancer through the 5‐lipoxygenase‐dependent arachidonic acid pathway
    Xingchen Li et al, 2023, Clinical and Translational Medicine CrossRef
  4. Wogonin and its analogs for the prevention and treatment of cancer: A systematic review
    Kishore Banik et al, 2022, Phytotherapy Research CrossRef
  5. Targeting extracellular matrix through phytochemicals: a promising approach of multi-step actions on the treatment and prevention of cancer
    Dan Liang et al, 2023, Frontiers in Pharmacology CrossRef