1. Demethylation of Urokinase Promoter as a Prognostic Marker in Patients with Breast Carcinoma
    Pouya Pakneshan et al, 2004, Clinical Cancer Research CrossRef
  2. Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator System in Breast Cancer
    Marion E. Meijer-van Gelder et al, 2004, Cancer Research CrossRef
  3. The Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-4 Arg388 Allele Is Associated with Prostate Cancer Initiation and Progression
    Jianghua Wang et al, 2004, Clinical Cancer Research CrossRef
  4. A Src/Abl Kinase Inhibitor, SKI-606, Blocks Breast Cancer Invasion, Growth, and Metastasis In vitro and In vivo
    Houda Jallal et al, 2007, Cancer Research CrossRef
  5. Alteration of the Methylation Status of Tumor-Promoting Genes Decreases Prostate Cancer Cell Invasiveness and Tumorigenesis In vitro and In vivo
    Nicholas Shukeir et al, 2006, Cancer Research CrossRef