1. BMP-2 and asporin expression regulate 5-aza-dC-mediated osteoblast/cementoblast differentiation of periodontal dental ligament mesenchymal progenitor cells
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  2. Global DNA methylation profiling uncovers distinct methylation patterns of protocadherin alpha4 in metastatic and non-metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma
    L. Tombolan et al, 2016, BMC Cancer CrossRef
  3. Targeting DNA Methylation Machinery in Pediatric Solid Tumors
    Camilla Cristalli et al, 2024, Cells CrossRef
  4. Array CGH Analysis of Paired Blood and Tumor Samples from Patients with Sporadic Wilms Tumor
    Leila Cabral de Almeida Cardoso et al, 2015, PLOS ONE CrossRef
  5. Deep Sequencing the microRNA profile in rhabdomyosarcoma reveals down-regulation of miR-378 family members
    Francesca Megiorni et al, 2014, BMC Cancer CrossRef
  6. The histone deacetylase inhibitor Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid (SAHA) as a therapeutic agent in rhabdomyosarcoma
    Sandra E. Ghayad et al, 2019, Cancer Biology & Therapy CrossRef
  7. Hypermethylation of potential tumor suppressor miR-34b/c is correlated with late clinical stage in patients with soft tissue sarcomas
    Yuwen Xie et al, 2015, Experimental and Molecular Pathology CrossRef