1. Identification of gene regulation patterns underlying both oestrogen- and tamoxifen-stimulated cell growth through global gene expression profiling in breast cancer cells
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  2. Role of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Exercise in Breast Cancer Prevention: Identifying Common Targets
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  3. Modulation of nuclear factor-kappa B activation by the endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor PERK to mediate estrogen-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells
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  4. How PERK kinase conveys stress signals to nuclear factor-κB to mediate estrogen-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells?
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  6. Acquired resistance to selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) in clinical practice (tamoxifen & raloxifene) by selection pressure in breast cancer cell populations
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  7. The new biology of estrogen-induced apoptosis applied to treat and prevent breast cancer
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  8. Nitric oxide is cytoprotective to breast cancer spheroids vulnerable to estrogen-induced apoptosis
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  9. Profiles of miRNAs matched to biology in aromatase inhibitor resistant breast cancer
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  10. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patient derived xenograft models in translational research
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  11. Suppression of Nuclear Factor-κB by Glucocorticoid Receptor Blocks Estrogen-Induced Apoptosis in Estrogen-Deprived Breast Cancer Cells
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  12. Integration of Downstream Signals of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Receptor by Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress for Estrogen-Induced Growth or Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells
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  13. Targeting Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ to Increase Estrogen-Induced Apoptosis in Estrogen-Deprived Breast Cancer Cells
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  14. Doxorubicin–transferrin conjugate alters mitochondrial homeostasis and energy metabolism in human breast cancer cells
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  15. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor engagement during redox alteration determines the fate of CD4 + T cells in C57BL/6 mice
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  16. The Role of Progestogens in Menopausal Hormone Therapy
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  18. Estrogen Receptors-Mediated Apoptosis in Hormone-Dependent Cancers
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  19. PERK, Beyond an Unfolded Protein Response Sensor in Estrogen-Induced Apoptosis in Endocrine-Resistant Breast Cancer
    Ping Fan et al, 2022, Mol Cancer Res CrossRef
  20. Estrogen Receptor Complex to Trigger or Delay Estrogen-Induced Apoptosis in Long-Term Estrogen Deprived Breast Cancer
    Philipp Y. Maximov et al, 2022, Front. Endocrinol. CrossRef
  21. Estrogen Receptor and the Unfolded Protein Response: Double-Edged Swords in Therapy for Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer
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  22. The Breast Cancer Single-Cell Atlas: Defining cellular heterogeneity within model cell lines and primary tumors to inform disease subtype, stemness, and treatment options
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  24. Revisiting Estrogen for the Treatment of Endocrine-Resistant Breast Cancer: Novel Therapeutic Approaches
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  25. The molecular, cellular and clinical consequences of targeting the estrogen receptor following estrogen deprivation therapy.
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  26. Mechanistic Effects of Estrogens on Breast Cancer
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