1. Total synthesis of sesterterpenoids
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  2. Pharmacophore-Directed Retrosynthesis Applied to Ophiobolin A: Simplified Bicyclic Derivatives Displaying Anticancer Activity
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  3. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition sensitizes breast cancer cells to cell death via the fungus-derived sesterterpenoid ophiobolin A
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  4. Green Nanoparticles: A Hope for Targeted Delivery of Natural Therapeuticals for the Management of Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)
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  5. The incredible story of ophiobolin A and sphaeropsidin A: two fungal terpenes from wilt-inducing phytotoxins to promising anticancer compounds
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  6. Chemistry and biology of ophiobolin A and its congeners
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  7. Natural Bioactive Compounds: Alternative Approach to the Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme
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  8. Ophiobolin A Covalently Targets Mitochondrial Complex IV Leading to Metabolic Collapse in Cancer Cells
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  9. Phytotoxins produced by pathogenic fungi of agrarian plants
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  10. Therapeutic vulnerabilities of cancer stem cells and effects of natural products
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  11. Current status and future therapeutic perspectives of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) therapy: A review
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  12. Sesterterpenoids
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  13. Augmented phytotoxic effect of nanoencapsulated ophiobolin A
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  14. UPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS analysis of ophiobolins sesterterpenoids and bioactive analogs from Bipolaris eleusines
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  15. Ophiobolin A kills human glioblastoma cells by inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress via disruption of thiol proteostasis
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  16. Bridging the gap between natural product synthesis and drug discovery
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  17. Development of Mycoherbicides
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  18. The Biological Activities of Sesterterpenoid-Type Ophiobolins
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  19. Sesterterpene MHO7 suppresses breast cancer cells as a novel estrogen receptor degrader
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  20. Mechanism of Action of the Sesquiterpene Compound Helenalin in Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells
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  21. A Stereoselective Photoinduced Cycloisomerization Inspired by Ophiobolin A
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  22. Modulation of Calcium Signaling in Glioblastoma Multiforme: A Therapeutic Promise for Natural Products
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