1. Unraveling the IGF System Interactome in Sarcomas Exploits Novel Therapeutic Options
    Caterina Mancarella et al, 2021, Cells CrossRef
  2. The Effect of Direct and Indirect EZH2 Inhibition in Rhabdomyosarcoma Cell Lines
    Andreas Schmidt et al, 2021, Cancers CrossRef
  3. Anticancer bioactivity of zerumbone on pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma cells
    Cristian Urla et al, 2023, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology CrossRef
  4. Formation of Lymphoma Hybrid Spheroids and Drug Testing in Real Time with the Use of Fluorescence Optical Tweezers
    Kamila Duś-Szachniewicz et al, 2022, Cells CrossRef
  5. Epitope Detection in Monocytes (EDIM) As a New Method of Liquid Biopsy in Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma
    Cristian Urla et al, 2022, Biomedicines CrossRef