1. Overexpression of OGFr Downregulates Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation <i>In Vitro</i> and Inhibits Tumorigenesis
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  2. The Opioid Growth Factor Inhibits Established Ovarian Cancer in Nude Mice and Can Be Combined with Taxol or Cisplatin to Enhance Growth Inhibition
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  3. Cell proliferation of human ovarian cancer is regulated by the opioid growth factor-opioid growth factor receptor axis.
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  4. Imiquimod Upregulates the Opioid Growth Factor Receptor to Inhibit Cell Proliferation Independent of Immune Function
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  5. CD36+ Fibroblasts Secrete Protein Ligands That Growth-Suppress Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells While Elevating Adipogenic Markers for a Model of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
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