1. Ganoderma tsugaeInduces S Phase Arrest and Apoptosis in Doxorubicin-Resistant Lung Adenocarcinoma H23/0.3 Cells via Modulation of the PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway
    Yang-Hao Yu et al, 2012, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef
  2. LY6K is a novel molecular target in bladder cancer on basis of integrate genome-wide profiling
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  3. Treating Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Traditional Chinese and Indian Medicinal Herbs
    Zhijun Wang et al, 2013, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef
  4. In Vitro Evaluation of Anti-Lung Cancer and Anti-COVID-19 Effects using Fermented Black Color Ginseng Extract
    Yaxi Han et al, 2021, Natural Product Communications CrossRef