1. A case of spontaneously ruptured hepatic angiosarcoma resected after transcatheter arterial embolization
    Toshiaki Kashiwadate et al, 2022, Journal of Surgical Case Reports CrossRef
  2. Long-term 14-year survival with primary hepatic angiosarcoma
    Jason Chen et al, 2022, BMJ Case Reports CrossRef
  3. Progression of an Unusual Primary Liver Tumor
    Yang-Yuan Chen et al, 2018, Gastroenterology CrossRef
  4. Primäre Lebersarkome – Empfehlungen zur chirurgischen Therapie
    Eva Maria Dobrindt et al, 2023, Zentralblatt für Chirurgie - Zeitschrift für Allgemeine, Viszeral-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie CrossRef
  5. Hepatic angiosarcoma in an adult who had Wilms tumor treated in childhood: A case report
    Shahab Shayesteh et al, 2021, Radiology Case Reports CrossRef