1. Comparative evaluation of reconstructive procedures after gastrectomy with and without duodenal passage preservation in gastric cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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  2. Effects of individualized dietary counseling on nutritional status and quality of life in post-discharge patients after surgery for gastric cancer: A randomized clinical trial
    Hongxia Yan et al, 2023, Frontiers in Oncology CrossRef
  3. A comparison of quality of life between patients with small and large gastric remnant volumes after gastrectomy for gastric cancer
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  4. Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Upper GI Malignancies
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  5. Health-Related Quality of Life in Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Systematic Review
    Romy M. van Amelsfoort et al, 2021, Cancers CrossRef
  6. Postoperative nutrition in the setting of enhanced recovery programmes
    Pamela Funk Debleds et al, 2024, European Journal of Surgical Oncology CrossRef
  7. Impact of Systematic Holistic Nursing Combined with Narrative Nursing Intervention for Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer on Complications and Negative Emotions
    Hui Lu et al, 2022, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef
  8. Impact of Tumor Location on the Quality of Life of Patients Undergoing Total or Proximal Gastrectomy
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  9. Quality of Life after Upper GI Surgery
    Grigorios Christodoulidis et al, 2023, Patient Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life in Surgery CrossRef