1. MicroRNA-29b-3p promotes 5-fluorouracil resistance via suppressing TRAF5-mediated necroptosis in human colorectal cancer
    Shuimei Wu et al, 2021, European Journal of Histochemistry CrossRef
  2. The Use of miRNAs in Predicting Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy in Oesophageal Cancer
    Cameron C. J. Lang et al, 2022, Cancers CrossRef
  3. CircKRT14 upregulates E2F3 by interacting with miR-1256 to act as an oncogenic factor in esophageal cancer
    Xingzhuo Guan et al, 2023, Human & Experimental Toxicology CrossRef
  4. MicroRNA-34 and gastrointestinal cancers: a player with big functions
    Wei Gao et al, 2024, Cancer Cell International CrossRef
  5. Predicting potential small molecule–miRNA associations utilizing truncated schatten p-norm
    Shudong Wang et al, 2023, Briefings in Bioinformatics CrossRef
  6. microRNA-143 interferes the EGFR-stimulated glucose metabolism to re-sensitize 5-FU resistant colon cancer cells via targeting hexokinase 2
    Wenshan Chen et al, 2023, Journal of Chemotherapy CrossRef