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  2. Role of Different Types of Contact Lenses in Epithelial Thickness
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  3. Interaction of MTHFR C677T polymorphism with smoking in susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy in Chinese men with type 2 diabetes
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  4. Long-term effect of contact lens wear: A citation network study
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  5. Effects of long‑term soft contact lens wear on corneal epithelial thickness after small incision lenticule extraction
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  6. Nutrient Supplementation Improves Contact Lens–Induced Corneal Cell Damage Based on a SIRC Cellular Model
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  7. Refractive Errors & Refractive Surgery Preferred Practice Pattern®
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  8. Corneal Epithelial Thickness Mapping: A Major Review
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  9. The Effects of Gender, Age, and Refractive Error on Corneal and Conjunctival Epithelial and Overall Thicknesses
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  10. Systematic Review of Myopia Progression after Cessation of Optical Interventions for Myopia Control
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  11. OCT applications in contact lens fitting
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  12. Epithelial Oedema
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  13. Stromal Thinning
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  14. Shape of the anterior surface of the cornea after extended wear of silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses
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  15. Intraoperative variability of corneal epithelium thickness in photorefractive keratectomy
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