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  2. New insights into the regulation of TGF‐β/Smad and MPK signaling pathway gene expressions by nasal allergen and methacholine challenge test in asthma
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  3. Genetic Profiling of Glucocorticoid (NR3C1) and Mineralocorticoid (NR3C2) Receptor Polymorphisms before Starting Therapy with Androgen Receptor Inhibitors: A Study of a Patient Who Developed Toxic Myocarditis after Enzalutamide Treatment
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  4. Контроль бронхіяльної астми залежно від ER22 / 23EK і Tth111I поліморфізмів гена глюкокортикоїдного рецептора та віку дебюту
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  5. Adulthood asthma as a consequence of childhood adversity: a systematic review of epigenetically affected genes
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  6. Cytokine TGFβ Gene Polymorphism in Asthma: TGF-Related SNP Analysis Enhances the Prediction of Disease Diagnosis (A Case-Control Study With Multivariable Data-Mining Model Development)
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  7. IL-33 Mediated Inflammation in Chronic Respiratory Diseases—Understanding the Role of the Member of IL-1 Superfamily
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  8. TGF-β gene polimorphisms as risk factors for asthma control among clinic patients
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