1. Exposure to Toxic Heavy Metals Can Influence Homocysteine Metabolism?
    Caterina Ledda et al, 2019, Antioxidants CrossRef
  2. Risk assessment for potentially toxic metal(loid)s in potatoes in the indigenous zinc smelting area of northwestern Guizhou Province, China
    Yishu Peng et al, 2018, Food and Chemical Toxicology CrossRef
  3. Role of Emerging Environmental Risk Factors in Thyroid Cancer: A Brief Review
    Maria Fiore et al, 2019, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health CrossRef
  4. Metals in the tissues of the East Java Coast Indonesian green mussel (Perna viridis Linnaeus, 1758) and associated health risks
    Agoes Soegianto et al, 2021, Regional Studies in Marine Science CrossRef
  5. Effect of particulate matter-bound metals exposure on prothrombotic biomarkers: A systematic review
    Salvatore Santo Signorelli et al, 2019, Environmental Research CrossRef
  6. Groundwater-based water wells characterization from Guinea Bissau (Western Africa): A risk evaluation for the local population
    Margherita Ferrante et al, 2018, Science of The Total Environment CrossRef
  7. Molecular mechanisms of lead neurotoxicity
    Miriam Beatriz Virgolini et al, 2021, Neurotoxicity of Metals: Old Issues and New Developments CrossRef
  8. Accumulation of potentially harmful elements (PHEs) in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) irrigated with wastewater: a systematic review and meta-analysis and probabilistic health risk assessment
    Ali Atamaleki et al, 2021, Environmental Science and Pollution Research CrossRef
  9. Bioaccumulation and human health risk assessment of some heavy metals in sediments, Sparus aurata and Salicornia europaea in Güllük Lagoon, the south of Aegean Sea
    Mustafa Döndü et al, 2022, Environmental Science and Pollution Research CrossRef
  10. In vivo exposure of the marine sponge Chondrilla nucula Schmidt, 1862 to cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) and its potential use for bioremediation purposes
    Margherita Ferrante et al, 2018, Chemosphere CrossRef
  11. The association between occupational lead exposure and serum levels of selected soluble receptors
    Anna Machoń-Grecka et al, 2018, Toxicology and Industrial Health CrossRef
  12. The effect of heavy metals mobility on their bioavailability in Güllük Lagoon, Aegean Sea
    Mustafa Döndü et al, 2024, Regional Studies in Marine Science CrossRef
  13. Oncogenic Role of miRNA in Environmental Exposure to Plasticizers: A Systematic Review
    Margherita Ferrante et al, 2021, Journal of Personalized Medicine CrossRef
  14. Trace elements in seafood from the Mediterranean sea: An exposure risk assessment
    Chiara Copat et al, 2018, Food and Chemical Toxicology CrossRef