1. Current scenario on the microbial world and associated diseases
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  2. The Salmonella transmembrane effector SteD hijacks AP1-mediated vesicular trafficking for delivery to antigen-loading MHCII compartments
    Camilla Godlee et al, 2022, PLOS Pathogens CrossRef
  3. Transmembrane substrates of type three secretion system injectisomes
    Camilla Godlee et al, 2023, Microbiology CrossRef
  4. Bacterial secretion system functions: evidence of interactions and downstream implications
    Silindile Maphosa et al, 2023, Microbiology CrossRef
  5. The Love and Hate Relationship between T5SS and Other Secretion Systems in Bacteria
    Yi Luo et al, 2023, International Journal of Molecular Sciences CrossRef
  6. Revealing the mechanisms of membrane protein export by virulence-associated bacterial secretion systems
    Lea Krampen et al, 2018, Nature Communications CrossRef
  7. Host cell manipulation by microsporidia secreted effectors: Insights into intracellular pathogenesis
    Liyuan Tang et al, 2024, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology CrossRef