1. Circular RNA MTO1 intercorrelates with microRNA‐630, both associate with Enneking stage and/or pathological fracture as well as prognosis in osteosarcoma patients
    Zhihua Shi et al, 2021, Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis CrossRef
  2. The importance of miRNA-630 in human diseases with an especial focus on cancers
    Sepideh Kadkhoda et al, 2022, Cancer Cell International CrossRef
  3. MicroRNA-204 Inhibits the Growth and Motility of Colorectal Cancer Cells by Downregulation of CXCL8
    Feng Shuai et al, 2018, Oncology Research Featuring Preclinical and Clinical Cancer Therapeutics CrossRef
  4. 4-Aminobiphenyl inhibits the DNA homologous recombination repair in human liver cells: The role of miR-630 in downregulating RAD18 and MCM8
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  5. MiR-630 Promotes Radioresistance by Induction of Anti-Apoptotic Effect via Nrf2–GPX2 Molecular Axis in Head–Neck Cancer
    Guo-Rung You et al, 2023, Cells CrossRef
  6. Overexpression of microRNA‑936 suppresses non‑small cell lung cancer cell proliferation and invasion via targeting E2F2
    Xiao Zhou et al, 2018, Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine CrossRef