1. Introductory Chapter: Melatonin, the Integrative Molecule within the Human Architecture
    Cristina Manuela Drăgoi et al, 2018, Melatonin - Molecular Biology, Clinical and Pharmaceutical Approaches CrossRef
  2. The Role of Osteoprotegerin and Its Ligands in Vascular Function
    Luc Rochette et al, 2019, International Journal of Molecular Sciences CrossRef
  3. Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism of RANK gene with blood pressure in Spanish women
    Clara Pertusa et al, 2020, Medicine CrossRef
  4. Chronotherapy Advances in the Management of Chronic Neurological and Cardiovascular Diseases: Complex Interactions of Circadian Rhythm Environmental Inputs, Nutrition and Drug Administration and Their Impact on Human Health
    Alina Crenguța Nicolae et al, 2022, Circadian Rhythm - New Insights Into Physiological and Pathological Implications CrossRef
  5. Emerging Strategies in Drug Development and Clinical Care in the Era of Personalized and Precision Medicine
    Cristina Manuela Drăgoi et al, 2024, Pharmaceutics CrossRef
  6. Ruolo dell’osteoprotegerina nel cross-talk tra endotelio e osso: suo potenziale utilizzo come marcatore di patologia cardiovascolare
    Silvia Migliaccio, 2017, L'Endocrinologo CrossRef
  7. Value of serum osteoprotegerin in the assessment of endothelial dysfunction in obesity
    Ahmed Mohammed Shennawy et al, 2024, The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine CrossRef
  8. Serum Osteoprotegerin Is an Independent Marker of Metabolic Complications in Non-DialysisDependent Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
    Aleksandra Rymarz et al, 2021, Nutrients CrossRef
  9. Effects of an Intervention with Selenium and Coenzyme Q10 on Five Selected Age-Related Biomarkers in Elderly Swedes Low in Selenium: Results That Point to an Anti-Ageing Effect—A Sub-Analysis of a Previous Prospective Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Randomised Clinical Trial
    Urban Alehagen et al, 2023, Cells CrossRef
  10. Circadian Rhythms, Chrononutrition, Physical Training, and Redox Homeostasis—Molecular Mechanisms in Human Health
    Cristina Manuela Drăgoi et al, 2024, Cells CrossRef
  11. Serum Osteoprotegerin Levels and the Vascular Reactivity Index in Patients with Hypertension
    Yen-Liang Chen et al, 2023, Medicina CrossRef
  12. The Role of Osteoprotegerin in Vascular Calcification and Bone Metabolism: The Basis for Developing New Therapeutics
    Luc Rochette et al, 2019, Calcified Tissue International CrossRef
  13. OPG/RANK/RANKL axis relation to cardiac iron-overload in children with transfusion-dependent thalassemia
    Samira Zein Sayed et al, 2023, Scientific Reports CrossRef
  14. The Roles of RANK/RANKL/OPG in Cardiac, Skeletal, and Smooth Muscles in Health and Disease
    Laetitia Marcadet et al, 2022, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology CrossRef