1. Tight Junction Proteins as Emerging Drug Targets: Expanding the Horizons from Inflammation to Cancer
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  2. APOC3 promotes TNF-α-induced expression of JAM-1 in endothelial cell via PI3K-IKK2-p65 pathway
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  3. Role of Barrier Integrity and Dysfunctions in Maintaining the Healthy Gut and Their Health Outcomes
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  4. Vascular cognitive impairment – Past, present, and future challenges
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  5. The mechanism of selenium regulating the permeability of vascular endothelial cells through selenoprotein O
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  6. Phosphoproteomic Analysis and Protein–Protein Interaction of Rat Aorta GJA1 and Rat Heart FKBP1A after Secoiridoid Consumption from Virgin Olive Oil: A Functional Proteomic Approach
    Anna Pedret et al, 2021, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry CrossRef