1. Cholesterol and Dementia: A Possible Therapeutic Approach
    Jessica Sarahi Alavez-Rubio et al, 2022, Current Thoughts on Dementia CrossRef
  2. Connecting the Dots Between Hypercholesterolemia and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Potential Mechanism Based on 27-Hydroxycholesterol
    Mingan Wu et al, 2022, Frontiers in Neuroscience CrossRef
  3. Plasma oxysterols are associated with serum lipids and dementia risk in older women
    Michelle M. Dunk et al, 2024, Alzheimer's & Dementia CrossRef
  4. Association Between ABCA1 R219K Variant and Alzheimer's Disease: An Updated Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
    Jinrong Zhao et al, 2022, Current Alzheimer Research CrossRef
  5. White matter injury, cholesterol dysmetabolism, and APP/Abeta dysmetabolism interact to produce Alzheimer’s disease (AD) neuropathology: A hypothesis and review
    Frank R. Sharp et al, 2023, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience CrossRef