1. RuBisCO: a sustainable protein ingredient for plant-based foods
    Malik Adil Nawaz et al, 2024, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems CrossRef
  2. A plant-derived δ opioid receptor agonist rubiscolin-6 ameliorates sickness behavior in mice with cancer cachexia
    Ei’ichi Iizasa et al, 2024, Journal of Functional Foods CrossRef
  3. Association of OPRD1 Gene Variants with Changes in Body Weight and Psychometric Indicators in Patients with Eating Disorders
    Laura González-Rodríguez et al, 2024, Journal of Clinical Medicine CrossRef
  4. Endogenous opiates and behavior: 2022
    Richard J. Bodnar, 2023, Peptides CrossRef
  5. Coexpressedδ-,μ-, andκ-Opioid Receptors Modulate Voltage-Gated Ca2+Channels in Gastric-Projecting Vagal Afferent Neurons
    Hannah J. Goudsward et al, 2024, Molecular Pharmacology CrossRef