1. Overexpression of the dependence receptor UNC5H4 inhibits cell migration and invasion, and triggers apoptosis in neuroblastoma cell
    Hong Wang et al, 2014, Tumor Biology CrossRef
  2. Prussian blue-doped nanogold microspheres for enzyme-free electrocatalytic immunoassay of p53 protein
    Zhen-Hua Liu et al, 2014, Microchimica Acta CrossRef
  3. Effect of dose-rate and irradiation geometry on the biological response of normal cells and cancer cells under radiotherapeutic conditions
    K. Ĺšlosarek et al, 2014, Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis CrossRef
  4. Driver and novel genes correlated with metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer: A comprehensive analysis
    Yongfeng Wu et al, 2021, Pathology - Research and Practice CrossRef