1. Rare presentation of ileocolic intussusception secondary to mantle cell lymphoma
    Veeresh Aukhojee et al, 2019, BMJ Case Rep CrossRef
  2. Extensive colorectal lymphomatous polyposis complicated by acute intestinal obstruction: a case report
    Jaques Waisberg et al, 2017, J Med Case Reports CrossRef
  3. Gastrointestinal Perforation after Rituximab Therapy in Mantle Cell Lymphoma: A Case Report
    Michael Adashek et al, 2018, Case Rep Oncol CrossRef
  4. Colonic lymphomatous polyposis mantle cell lymphoma: a case report and review of literature
    Toukilnan Djiwa et al, 2024, J Med Case Reports CrossRef
  5. Gastrointestinal Symptom-Free Multiple Lymphomatous Polyposis: An Atypical Case Presentation of Mantle Cell Lymphoma
    Rahil Desai et al, 2024, Case Rep Gastroenterol CrossRef