1. Anatomical Aspects and Clinical Application of a Unilateral Uvulotonsillar Approach via a Minimally Invasive Open-Door Suboccipital Craniotomy to Remove Lesions of the Fourth Ventricle and Dorsal Brainstem
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  2. Surgical treatment of the tumors of the fourth ventricle through telovelar approach
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  3. Ependymoma
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  4. Cerebellar Mutism: Surgical Perspectives
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  5. Fourth ventricle tumors in children: complications and influence of surgical approach
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  6. The Clinical and Prognostic Impact of the Choice of Surgical Approach to Fourth Ventricular Tumors in a Single-Center, Single-Surgeon Cohort of 92 Consecutive Pediatric Patients
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  7. Fourth Ventricle Tumors: A Review of Series Treated With Microsurgical Technique
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  8. Midline Suboccipital Endoscopic Transcerebellomedullary Fissure Keyhole Approach
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  9. Microsurgical techniques for achieving gross total resection of ependymomas of the fourth ventricle
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