1. Periareolar Incision for Resection of Bilateral Multiple Breast Fibroadenoma in 27-year-old Indonesian Woman – A Case Report
    Dedy Hermansyah et al, 2022, Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences CrossRef
  2. Feasibility and safety of breast-conserving surgery via a periareolar incision for cancers located far from the nipple–areolar complex: a retrospective study
    Joohyun Woo et al, 2021, Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology CrossRef
  3. Effect of Intensive Psychological Care on Patients with Benign Breast Lumps after Mammotome-Assisted Tumor Resection
    Ping Xu et al, 2022, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine CrossRef
  4. Periareolar endoscopic minimally invasive cardiac surgery: postoperative scar assessment analysis
    Karel M Van Praet et al, 2022, Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery CrossRef
  5. Periareolar minimally invasive approach for cardiac surgery: a case series and description of technique with a review of literature
    Hatan Mortada et al, 2024, Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery CrossRef
  6. [Retracted] Comparison of Curative Complications between Mammotome‐Assisted Minimally Invasive Resection and Conventional Open Resection for Breast Neoplasm: A Retrospective Clinical Study
    Rui Li et al, 2021, BioMed Research International CrossRef
  7. Evaluation of Carbon Nanoparticle Suspension and Methylene Blue Localization for Preoperative Localization of Nonpalpable Breast Lesions: A Comparative Study
    Yeqing Zhou et al, 2021, Frontiers in Surgery CrossRef
  8. Serial image changes in ultrasonography after the excision of benign breast lesions by mammotome® biopsy system
    Yu Ding et al, 2019, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences CrossRef
  9. Considerable Long-Term Aesthetic Outcomes and Oncologic Safety of Breast-Conserving Surgery Via a Periareolar Incision: A Retrospective Study
    Mohan Liu et al, 2023, Clinical Breast Cancer CrossRef