1. The Antiproliferative Effect of Chloroform Fraction of Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb. on 2D- and 3D-Human Lung Cancer Cells (A549) Model
    Nur Hannan Zakaria et al, 2023, Pharmaceuticals CrossRef
  2. Current and future applications of light-sheet imaging for identifying molecular and developmental processes in autism spectrum disorders
    Amelie Soumier et al, 2024, Molecular Psychiatry CrossRef
  3. Two-Dimensional and Spheroid-Based Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Systems: Implications for Drug Discovery in Cancer
    Anali del Milagro Bernabe Garnique et al, 2024, Drugs and Drug Candidates CrossRef
  4. 3D tumor spheroids: morphological alterations a yardstick to anti-cancer drug response
    Anna Senrung et al, 2023, In vitro models CrossRef
  5. 3D Tumor Spheroid and Organoid to Model Tumor Microenvironment for Cancer Immunotherapy
    Yichen Zhu et al, 2022, Organoids CrossRef