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  3. Arctium Species Secondary Metabolites Chemodiversity and Bioactivities
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  4. Apoptotic Effect of Arctigenin on Human Renal Cancer Cells by Arresting Cell Cycle and Down regulating P13k/Akt Pathway
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  5. Bioactive Immunomodulatory Compounds: A Novel Combinatorial Strategy for Integrated Medicine in Oncology? BAIC Exposure in Cancer Cells
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  6. Phytochemical analysis of Daphne pontica L. stems with their pro-apoptotic properties against DU-145 and LNCaP prostate cancer cells
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  8. (+)-Usnic acid modulates the Nrf2-ARE pathway in FaDu hypopharyngeal carcinoma cells
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  9. Arctigenin inhibits proliferation of ER-positive breast cancer cells through cell cycle arrest mediated by GSK3-dependent cyclin D1 degradation
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  10. A systematic review on botany, ethnopharmacology, quality control, phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicity of Arctium lappa L. fruit
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  11. 3′‐Desmethylarctigenin induces G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through reactive oxygen species generation in hepatocarcinoma cells
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  12. Emergence of nutrigenomics and dietary components as a complementary therapy in cancer prevention
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  14. In vitro evaluation of commercial foam Belcils® on Acanthamoeba spp
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  16. A Network Pharmacology Prediction and Molecular Docking-Based Strategy to Explore the Potential Pharmacological Mechanism of Astragalus membranaceus for Glioma
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  17. Adherence to Healthy Dietary Patterns and Glioma: A Matched Case-Control Study
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  18. Lignans and Neolignans: Plant secondary metabolites as a reservoir of biologically active substances
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  19. ERK1/2 MAPK promotes autophagy to suppress ER stress-mediated apoptosis induced by cadmium in rat proximal tubular cells
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  20. Elucidation of Arctigenin Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution after Intravenous, Oral, Hypodermic and Sublingual Administration in Rats and Beagle Dogs: Integration of In Vitro and In Vivo Findings
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  21. Anticancer activity and molecular mechanisms of α‐conidendrin, a polyphenolic compound present in Taxus yunnanensis, on human breast cancer cell lines
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  22. 28-Day Oral Chronic Toxicity Study of Arctigenin in Rats
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  23. Effect of arctigenin on neurological diseases: A review
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