1. In silico identification and characterization of antineoplastic asparaginase enzyme from endophytic bacteria
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  2. Comparative transcriptomics analysis revealing flower trichome development during flower development in two Lonicera japonica Thunb. cultivars using RNA-seq
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  3. The Protective Effect of Aspirin Eugenol Ester on Oxidative Stress to PC12 Cells Stimulated with H2O2 through Regulating PI3K/Akt Signal Pathway
    Zhen-Dong Zhang et al, 2021, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity CrossRef
  4. Ca2+ imaging and gene expression profiling of Lonicera Confusa in response to calcium-rich environment
    Wenwen Jin et al, 2018, Scientific Reports CrossRef
  5. Comparison of Free, Esterified, and Insoluble-Bound Phenolics and Their Bioactivities in Three Organs of Lonicera japonica and L. macranthoides
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  6. Lonicerae Japonicae Flos with the homology of medicine and food: a review of active ingredients, anticancer mechanisms, pharmacokinetics, quality control, toxicity and applications
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  7. Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Leaves of Lonicera japonica Thunb
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  8. Comparison of Multiple Bioactive Constituents in the Flower and the Caulis of Lonicera japonica Based on UFLC-QTRAP-MS/MS Combined with Multivariate Statistical Analysis
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  9. Systems Pharmacology Study of the Anticervical Cancer Mechanisms of FDY003
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  10. Transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses provide insights into the biosynthesis of chlorogenic acids in Lonicera macranthoides Hand.-Mazz
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  11. A Network Pharmacology Study on the Molecular Mechanisms of FDY003 for Breast Cancer Treatment
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  12. Genus Lonicera: New drug discovery from traditional usage to modern chemical and pharmacological research
    Lanlan Ge et al, 2022, Phytomedicine CrossRef
  13. Characterization of collagen type I/tannic acid beads as a cell scaffold
    Andrew Baldwin et al, 2021, Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers CrossRef
  14. A Review on Torilis japonica: Ethnomedicinal, Phytochemical, and Biological Features
    Yahya Rahimpour et al, 2023, Chemistry & Biodiversity CrossRef
  15. Combinatorial transcriptomics and metabolomics analysis reveals the effects of the harvesting stages on the accumulation of phenylpropanoid metabolites in Lonicera japonica
    Zhifang Ran et al, 2023, Functional Plant Biology CrossRef