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  5. Treatment of cancer with antipsychotic medications: Pushing the boundaries of schizophrenia and cancer
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  6. Histamine H1 type receptor antagonist loratadine ameliorates oxidized LDL induced endothelial dysfunction
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  7. Effects of Albumin–Chlorogenic Acid Nanoparticles on Apoptosis and PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway Inhibitory Activity in MDA-MB-435s Cells
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  9. Asymmetric Catalysis upon Helically Chiral Loratadine Analogues Unveils Enantiomer-Dependent Antihistamine Activity
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  11. Loratidine is associated with improved prognosis and exerts antineoplastic effects via apoptotic and pyroptotic crosstalk in lung cancer
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  12. Antidepressants and Antipsychotic Agents as Repurposable Oncological Drug Candidates
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  13. In vitro and in vivo immunotoxicity of PEGylated Cd-free CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots
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  14. Pre-activation with TLR7 in combination with thioridazine and loratadine promotes tumoricidal T-cell activity in colorectal cancer
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  15. Molecular mechanisms of anti-psychotic drugs for improvement of cancer treatment
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  16. Series of Desloratadine Platinum(IV) Hybrids Displaying Potent Antimetastatic Competence by Inhibiting Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition and Arousing Immune Response
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