1. Prevalence and risk factors of human papilloma virus infection among women living with HIV, Egypt, a cross sectional study
    Mona Ashry et al, 2024, BMC Public Health CrossRef
  2. Factors associated with HPV and other self-reported STI coinfections among sexually active Brazilian young adults: cross-sectional nationwide study
    Natalia Luiza Kops et al, 2019, BMJ Open CrossRef
  3. Depiction of Vaginal Microbiota in Women With High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection
    Zhen-Tong Wei et al, 2021, Frontiers in Public Health CrossRef
  4. Incident genital HPV infections and potential impact of HPV vaccines in adult women living with HIV/AIDS
    Giovanna Orlando et al, 2019, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics CrossRef