1. Analysis and validation of aging-related genes in prognosis and immune function of glioblastoma
    Jianhua Mu et al, 2023, BMC Medical Genomics CrossRef
  2. Antimetastatic and antitumor activities of oncolytic NDV AMHA1 in a 3D culture model of breast cancer
    Ahmed Majeed Al-Shammari et al, 2024, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences CrossRef
  3. Quercetin and Sodium Butyrate Synergistically Increase Apoptosis in Rat C6 and Human T98G Glioblastoma Cells Through Inhibition of Autophagy
    Matthew A. Taylor et al, 2019, Neurochemical Research CrossRef
  4. Longevity-associated BPIFB4 gene counteracts the inflammatory signaling
    Monica Cattaneo et al, 2024, Immunity & Ageing CrossRef
  5. Exploring the combined anti-cancer effects of sodium butyrate and celastrol in glioblastoma cell lines: a novel therapeutic approach
    Bahar Kartal et al, 2024, Medical Oncology CrossRef