1. Repurposing Old Drugs into New Epigenetic Inhibitors: Promising Candidates for Cancer Treatment?
    Filipa Moreira-Silva et al, 2020, Pharmaceutics CrossRef
  2. The short-chain free fatty acid receptor FFAR3 is expressed and potentiates contraction in human airway smooth muscle
    Kentaro Mizuta et al, 2020, American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology CrossRef
  3. Teratoma Growth Retardation by HDACi Treatment of the Tumor Embryonal Source
    Jure Krasic et al, 2020, Cancers CrossRef
  4. Epidrug Repurposing: Discovering New Faces of Old Acquaintances in Cancer Therapy
    Michel Montalvo-Casimiro et al, 2020, Front. Oncol. CrossRef
  5. From Therapy Resistance to Targeted Therapies in Prostate Cancer
    Filipa Moreira-Silva et al, 2022, Front. Oncol. CrossRef
  6. Polyphenols as Potent Epigenetics Agents for Cancer
    Peramaiyan Rajendran et al, 2022, IJMS CrossRef