1. Targeting the LINC00324/miR-16-5p/SEPT2 Signaling Cascade is Effective to Reverse Malignant Phenotypes in Glioblastoma
    Bo Chen et al, 2023, Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry CrossRef
  2. Reovirus infection induces transcriptome-wide unique A-to-I editing changes in the murine fibroblasts.
    Ayesha Tariq et al, 2024, Virus Research CrossRef
  3. Diamond Nanofilm Normalizes Proliferation and Metabolism in Liver Cancer Cells
    Malwina Sosnowska et al, 2021, Nanotechnology, Science and Applications CrossRef
  4. Comprehensive proteome, phosphoproteome and kinome characterization of luminal A breast cancer
    Ganglong Yang et al, 2023, Frontiers in Oncology CrossRef