1. Nanotechnology for Omics-Based Ocular Drug Delivery
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  2. Nanotechnology for Omics-Based Ocular Drug Delivery
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  3. Nanotechnology for Omics-Based Ocular Drug Delivery
    Anjali Hirani et al, 2018, Ophthalmology CrossRef
  4. Benchmark of site- and structure-specific quantitative tissue N-glycoproteomics for discovery of potential N-glycoprotein markers: a case study of pancreatic cancer
    Haoran Lu et al, 2021, Glycoconjugate Journal CrossRef
  5. Biomarker Discovery and Verification of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Using Integration of SWATH/MRM
    Guixue Hou et al, 2015, Journal of Proteome Research CrossRef