1. 4-Hexylresorcinol: pharmacologic chaperone and its application for wound healing
    Seong-Gon Kim, 2022, Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery CrossRef
  2. Inhibition of TP53 Mutant Oral Cancer by Reactivating p53
    Yei-Jin Kang et al, 2022, Applied Sciences CrossRef
  3. Metabolic, toxicological, chemical, and commercial perspectives on esterification of dietary polyphenols: a review
    Han Peng et al, 2023, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition CrossRef
  4. Role of 4-Hexylresorcinol in the Field of Tissue Engineering
    Jwa-Young Kim et al, 2020, Applied Sciences CrossRef
  5. Inhibitory Effects of 4-Hexylresorcinol on Root Resorption Induced by Orthodontic Tooth Movement
    Jun-Kyu Jang et al, 2020, Applied Sciences CrossRef
  6. 4-Hexylresorcinol Inhibits Class I Histone Deacetylases in Human Umbilical Cord Endothelial Cells
    Jwa-Young Kim et al, 2021, Applied Sciences CrossRef
  7. Skin Pigmentation and Cosmetic Considerations for Even Skin Tone
    Anita Damodaran et al, 2023, Pigmentation Disorders - Etiology and Recent Advances in Treatments CrossRef