1. Ocoxin oral solution® as a complement to irinotecan chemotherapy in the metastatic progression of colorectal cancer to the liver
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  2. Improving the Antitumor Effect of Chemotherapy with Ocoxin as a Novel Adjuvant Agent to Treat Prostate Cancer
    Iera Hernandez-Unzueta et al, 2023, Nutrients CrossRef
  3. Antitumoral Properties of the Nutritional Supplement Ocoxin Oral Solution: A Comprehensive Review
    Atanasio Pandiella-Alonso et al, 2020, Nutrients CrossRef
  4. Chewing Behavior Attenuates the Tumor Progression-Enhancing Effects of Psychological Stress in a Breast Cancer Model Mouse
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  5. Ocoxin Oral Solution Exerts an Antitumoral Effect in Pancreatic Cancer and Reduces the Stromal-Mediated Chemoresistance
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  6. Melanoma-associated fibroblasts in tumor-promotion flammation and antitumor immunity: novel mechanisms and potential immunotherapeutic strategies
    Qiujun Zhou et al, 2024, Human Molecular Genetics CrossRef
  7. Oncoxin‑Viusid® may improve quality of life and survival in patients with hormone‑refractory prostate cancer undergoing onco‑specific treatments
    Mercedes Fundora Ramos et al, 2020, Molecular and Clinical Oncology CrossRef
  8. Antifibrogenic and apoptotic effects of Ocoxin in cultured rat hepatic stellate cells
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  9. Immunonutrition hope? Oral nutritional supplement on cancer treatment
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  10. The effects of traditional Chinese medicine and dietary compounds on digestive cancer immunotherapy and gut microbiota modulation: A review
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  11. Ocoxin Oral Solution Triggers DNA Damage and Cell Death in Ovarian Cancer
    Sheila Almaraz-Postigo et al, 2024, Nutrients CrossRef
  12. Ocoxin Modulates Cancer Stem Cells and M2 Macrophage Polarization in Glioblastoma
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  13. Central Role of Cell Cycle Regulation in the Antitumoral Action of Ocoxin
    Javier Pérez-Peña et al, 2019, Nutrients CrossRef
  14. Ocoxin Increases the Antitumor Effect of BRAF Inhibition and Reduces Cancer Associated Fibroblast-Mediated Chemoresistance and Protumoral Activity in Metastatic Melanoma
    Aitor Benedicto et al, 2021, Nutrients CrossRef