1. Systematic review: Tumor-associated antigen autoantibodies and ovarian cancer early detection
    Renée Turzanski Fortner et al, 2017, Gynecologic Oncology CrossRef
  2. Protein expression profiling identifies a prognostic model for ovarian cancer
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  3. Drugs Repurposing in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
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  4. Serum Anti-14-3-3 Zeta Autoantibody as a Biomarker for Predicting Hepatocarcinogenesis
    Ting Wang et al, 2021, Frontiers in Oncology CrossRef
  5. Deep Autoencoder for Mass Spectrometry Feature Learning and Cancer Detection
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  6. Heat Shock Proteins and Ovarian Cancer: Important Roles and Therapeutic Opportunities
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  7. A high-performance microfluidic detection platform to conduct a novel multiple-biomarker panel for ovarian cancer screening
    Yu Wu et al, 2021, RSC Advances CrossRef
  8. Ovarian Cancer: Potential biomarkers and nanotechnology based diagnostic tools
    Shruti Sounkaria et al, 2021, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology CrossRef